“Horizons” Bronze Edition 18 Patina #3 28″H x 15″W x 12″D
As the Crow Chief watches, as the sky turns a multitude of colors such as red, orange, purple and yellow near sunset or sunrise. When the light must pass through a much longer path. He sees the Horizon as it separates earth and sky…

“Horizons” Bronze #2 Patina Edition 18 28″H x 15″W x 12″D
As the Crow Chief watches, as the sky turns a multitude of colors such as red, orange, purple and yellow near sunset or sunrise. When the light must pass through a much longer path. He sees the Horizon as it separates earth and sky…

“Horizons” Bronze #1 Patina Edition 18, 28″H x 15″W x 12″D
As the Crow Chief watches, as the sky turns a multitude of colors such as red, orange, purple and yellow near sunset or sunrise. When the light must pass through a much longer path. He sees the Horizon as it separates earth and sky…

“Crowning of a Sioux Chief” 38″H x 22″W x 12″D Limited Edition 10 Precast Bronze
“I cured with the power that came through me. Of course, it was not I who cured, it was the power from the Outer World, the visions and the ceremonies had only made me like a hole through which the power could come to the two-leggeds”. “If I thought that I was doing it myself, the hole would closeup and no power could come through. Then everything I could do would be foolish”.-Black Fish

“Crowning of a Sioux Chief”
” Crowning of a Sioux Chief “, Bronze, 38″Hx 22″Wx 12″D, Limited Edition/10…”I cured with the power that came through me. Of course, it was not I who cured, it was the power from the Outer World, the visions and the ceremonies had only made me like a hole through which the power could come to the two-leggeds”. “If I thought that I was doing it myself, the hole would closeup and no power could come through. Then everything I could do would be foolish”.-Black Fish

“The War Bonnet Collection” Precast Bronze
“The War Bonnet Collection”,Precast Bronze, Series I, Edition/ 18, Sioux, Size 18”H x 10”W x 10”D In many petroglyph’s, the swirl patterns represents the circled migration of Native American tribes to end up where they currently live, metaphor for life’s journey. “In 1868, when the combined tribes of the Lakota wished to recognize Sitting Bull as “head chief”, the prominent men of the tribes presented him with an eagle feather bonnet: He was reminded that he must be like the eagle, for the eagle is the chief of all birds, its feathers are the rewards of valor, it flies highest. A chief should study to resemble the eagle. Then they brought out a magnificent war bonnet, with a beaded brow band, ermine pendants, and a swagger crown of lustrous black and white eagle plumes. This splendid headgear had trailing double tail eagle tail feathers cascading down the back to drag on the ground. Every feather on the bonnet represented some brave deed, some coup performed by the warrior who had contributed it. It was in fact the symbol of the combined valor of the Northern Teton Sioux, with it Sitting Bull was publicly crowned”.

“Big Hole” Precast Bronze 31″H x 34″W x 15″D Limited Edition 12
In 1977 the U.S. troops fought the Nez Perc’e Indians along the Big Hole River, during the Nez Perc’e War on the Battle of the Big Hole…

“Little Willow” Precast Bronze
Precast Bronze, 37″H x 19’W x 14″D, Limited Edition/10, “Little Willow”, or willow tree, young one on the family tree…To the Arapho tribe, the willow tree was a symbol of long levity. The willow also symbolizes inner wisdom, an open mind with the stability and strength of age and experience.

“Watch Your Top Knot” Precast Bronze /12
“Watch Your Top Knot” Precast bronze, limited edition/12. This 12″scale piece will be patinaed as a snow sculpture. Watch what you have worked for, especially presently. Everything you have worked for and that you think is secure, could all fall apart in your plan A if someone or something tries to jeapordize your safety net. Nip it in the bud by keeping an eye on the final things you have done so you can stay tighly grounded. If the top knot comes loose, then everything you built to get there can become weaken and shaky. Watch the top knot, check it daily, then everything you harvest will reap great reward, just as you had planned. “Watch Your Top Knot”, and good-bye…

“Straight Arrow” Clay to Bronze
“Straight Arrow”, Life Size Bust, Precast Bronze, 31″H x 16″W x 20″D, Edition/10 First the strong bow that bends to our hand, then the straight arrow, tough and trim, and the feather that wing it to it’s mark. The buffalo moved in herds. The Dakota, Lakota, & Nakota people had to move with them. They lived a nomadic lifestyle. They followed the buffalo to new grasslands or pastures. Hunting was hard before white people brought horses to the Americas. Most of the tribe had to help hunt the buffalo. The people would herd the animals into a canyon or corral. One of these ancient “kill sites” is found near the town of Buffalo, South Dakota.

Pewter Buffalo Tile
Pewter 30X30 tile with a Buffalo, plains, pines & aspens…and of course the Tetons!